The Ideal Pet

German Shepherds are the best pets ever! One reason, German Shepherds are fun dogs. For example, they run around and play. It’s so fun when they run if I had a German shepherd I would race with it. Second, they are known for police dogs. For example, they are very protective. If a bad person comes into the house the dog would alert us and protect us. In addition, they are very cute when their pups. For, example they are fluffy and small when their newborns. Their fur feels like a soft blanket. Obviously, German Shepherds are amazing pets!

7 thoughts on “The Ideal Pet

  1. I really like how you said,” In addition” when you wanted to type something extra. Is your favorite pet dog only a German Shepherd?

  2. I can see why you believe German Shepherds are the best pets. Maybe the next step is to write a persuasive essay arguing why you deserve a German Shepherd puppy of your own. 🙂

  3. I like German Shepard’s i have always wanted one. They are so fluffy and cute you should have one . If you had one what would you name it ???

    1. I would name my German Shepherd, Bailey because I always had loved that name. Thank you for asking.

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