April 10

Why is Raymond Case a great school?

There are many activities that make Raymond Case a great school. A school is a place for people to learn. Raymond Case is a school. Raymond Case is a great school because it has carnivals, P.E, and talent shows.

I think Raymond Case a good school because it has carnivals. Carnivals are good because they have very fun activities. They also have food like hot dogs and nachos. You can also meet lots of friends. This show that carnivals are great and fun. Some may say that carnivals waste money, but I still think it’s very fun.

Raymond Case is also great because it has P.E. P.E gives kids exercise from running or games. P.E also has fun activities like basketball or hockey. P.E also helps by helping people with teamwork for team games. This shows that P.E is important to school and fitness. Some may say that they can exercise at home, but I still think it’s important.

Another reason why Raymond Case is great is because it has talent shows. It is fun to watch talented kids do cool things. It could also be fun to be in a talent show. The music can also be fun to listen to. This shows that talent shows can be fun to participate or watch in. Some may say talent shows are boring, but I still think it’s fun.

Raymond Case is a fantastic school with many fantastic things, and I hope you consider joining Raymond Case Elementary school.

January 10


Have you ever wondered about an ecosystem? The ecosystem is what all living things need to survive. Maybe you should learn about some ecosystems. One ecosystem is the desert, the desert has dry climate and very little rain. The desert has very little water. The desert almost never gets over 10 inches of rain a year. Another ecosystem is the ocean, the ocean is a large body of salt water. It also has lots of animals living under the ocean. The wetland is a place where the land is submerged under water, like a river. One of the beautiful ecosystems is the forest, the forest has land with lots of trees and animals, you can find all sorts of them. The last ecosystem i’m going to tell you about is the Arctic Tundra, it is very cold with lots of snow and ice and has no trees. Ecosystems are amazing, and if we don’t protect them, animals will die. If they die then other animals might die because they might starve. So people have to protect the ecosystem. The ecosystem is an important place animals and people.

December 11

Christmas celebration

I think Christmas is time when family gets together and give gifts and spreads happiness everywhere. Christmas starts at the end of December on December 25. Christmas is a holiday where you might have snow and should have fun. Just like any holiday it has a beginning and an end and tomorrow is the beginning of December. Some people don’t celebrate Christmas, or other holidays. It’s in the season of winter, where it’s colder than usual. But some places are always warm or hot, others are always cold. But some places it’s only cold during fall or winter. Some places have snow, others don’t. Some people lost everything, some are too poor to celebrate it. Have a great day and have happy Christmas!

November 30

Jamestown DBQ




In early Jamestown, why did so many colonists die? Jamestown was one of the first English colonies. In 1607, 100 colonists came over to live in Jamestown, Virginia. They lived near the Powhatan Indian tribe. Life for the colonists was hard and many died. In early Jamestown, so many colonists died because of diseases, starvation, and Indian attack.


In early Jamestown, so many colonists died because of disease. According to Document A, “disease in the early years to Jamestown’s position at the salt-fresh water transition.” This shows that many of the colonists got sick due to lack of fresh water. According to Document B, the chart shows a drought from 1607-1612. This demonstrates that many people didn’t have much water. In conclusion many people died from disease and water.


In early Jamestown, so many colonists died because of starvation. According to Document A, it says “ the island is not situated at a point of great food abundance.” This shows they didn’t have much food. According to Document C, it shows there are too much who did not work, so not much food would grow or be caught.


In early Jamestown, so many colonists died due to Indian attacks. According to Document E, the chart shows they killed almost half. This damostrates that almost half of the people died from Indian attacks. According to Document E, the chart shows in 1607 5 people died from Indians. In coclusion many people died from Indian attacks.


So many colonists in early Jamestown died due to disease, starvation, and Indain attack. Many people died from disease because it makes them ill, starvation make people weak and die, Indians killed people with weapons. Jamestown colonists dealt with many hardships and even death, but eventually they became a colony.

October 31

Why Zombies are scary!

I think zombies are scary because they infect other people turning them into a zombies! They will take over the world if there isn’t a cure for the disease! You can run away but eventually they will get every one. Zombies also can be very dangerous if they aren’t contained when the zombie invasion.

October 24

why is the sun interesting?

Have you wondered about the sun? Here are some facts. First of all, 91% of the sun is hydrogen. Secondary, I can fit 109 Earths across the sun’s face! Another fact is that the core of the sun is 27 million degrees Fahrenheit and is 15 million degrees Celsius. Also, the sun has been here for 4.6 billion years! One other fact is that the sun can fit 1.3 million Earths! One other fact is that the sun is 93 million miles away from Earth. I saved the best one for last, but sadly in 6.5 billion years the sun will turn into a white dwarf star and all life on Earth will be destroyed!This is information that shows the sun is interesting.

October 16

How To Comment

You should not put personal information on comments, like your phone number, address, personal information, plans, or full name. A comment should be positive, specific, correct grammar spelling and punctuation, and have a question, it shouldn’t be short, saying it’s bad, nonspecific. Last, always reread the comment, make sure it’s correct.

October 12

the Story of Dylan Bile, the Life Saver

One day there was a boy who was named Dylan Bile, who was a poor person with a poor family on a normal day, that all change that day, that one day he saved a life on Predator Mountain.

“Dylan, can go running? You need exercise.” Ordered Dylan’s mom.

“Do I have to? You know I don’t like running.” Whined Dylan.

“Yes, I already told you, you need exercise.” Commanded Dylan’s mom.

“Fine.” Groaned Dylan.

So Dylan ran all the way to an unknown mountain.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!  Help!” screamed the old lady.

Dylan ran to help to see the old lady threatened by the mountain lion. As he tackled the lion, the lion was now focused on Dylan. He ran for his life. Dylan thought “Is this how I die?” As he got tired from running and got a leg cramp and fell. As Dylan quickly grabbed a large stone and smacked the lion in the face. As the lion roared in anger, Dylan smacked it again and a tooth fell out of the lion’s jaw, and the lion ran away in anger.

“Thank you so much.” The old lady smirked. “Are you okay?” asked the old lady.

“I’m a little cold, other than that, i’m fine.” Dylan trembled.

Three days later.

“I’m still very grateful for saving my life. And for that I will make a carving of you on that mountain where you saved me. I already got approval from the government.” Stated the old lady.

First Dylan hired about three million workers. It took nine months to hire workers. Then he made a model of the monument, each inch would be about 10 feet. Also he hired an expert to place the dynamite and blow up, it took about three thousand pounds of dynamite. He also chiseled the rock to make high detailed sculptures, some parts were harder than others like the nose and the eye. Finally, he used machines to smoothen and polish the monument.

It took nine years but Dylan cut the ribbon, and it finally opened. Dylan thought “What a great sculpture.”

“What do you want to call it?”Asked the old lady.

“Predator Mountain”