Mr. Ohama's Class Blog

Marion Mix Elementary School

Leigh Botts: Scientist




In our novel, Dear Mr. Henshaw, Leigh Botts builds an alarm system for his lunch box. During the construction of the alarm, Leigh completes several steps of the scientific method. Which steps of the scientific method does Leigh complete? Describe the things he does at each step.

Author: Mr. Ohama

Sixth grade teacher at Marion Mix Elementary School in Elk Grove, CA.


  1. First Leigh Botts asked himself if he could build a burglar alarm for his lunch. Then he did background research by reading a book about batteries. After that he constructed his own hypothesis. The next thing he did was he did an experiment. The experiment was the burglar alarm for his lunch. It turns out that his burglar alarm worked. Leigh’s hypothesis was true instead of false. Then he showed his mom what he had been working on.

  2. Lee asks a question then does background research by reading books then he makes an hypothesis. Then he test his experiment by opening it and fails so he changes something then tests it again and this time it worked.Finally he shares his results on his experiment to his mom.

  3. In the story Dear Mr. Henshaw, Leigh Botts uses a scientific method to make an alarm system for his lunch box. He is doing this because someone is always stealing his lunch. He wants to find who is stealing it and why the person is stealing his lunch. When he went to get the supplies he saw that an old man was watching him. The old man said to him trying to make a lunch box alarm. Leigh replied back with a yes. The old man said you need a 6 volt battery, a door bell, and some wire and wire insulator. Then he tested once then it did not work , but the second try he succeeded and his mom got mad but Leigh showed her his product and his mom laughed. My hypothesis was that the old man gave him good advice and that it would work good.

  4. Leigh asks a question then does background research by reading books then he makes an hypothesis. Then he test his experiment by opening it and fails so he changes something then tests it again and this time it worked.Finally he shares his results on his experiment to his mom.

  5. In Dear Mr. Henshaw the main character Leigh Botts used the scientific method. He used ask a question, he asked a man in the hardware store how to make a burglar alarm. He also used construct hypothesis he thought that it would work if I closed it.
    He even tested it with an experiment he closed the box and opened it worked. It worked so he reported it to his mom.

  6. In Dear Mr. Henshaw the main character Leigh Botts used the scientific method. He used ask a question, he asked a man in the hardware store how to make a burglar alarm. He also used construct hypothesis he thought that it would work if I closed it.
    He even tested it with an experiment he closed the box and opened it worked. It worked so he reported it to his mom.

  7. The steps in the scientific method that Leigh Bots did were the research. He researched, so that he could know how to make a burglar alarm. He also did the hypothesis part of the scientific method. The hypothesis part was when he started to think about how to make the alarm. But he noticed that if he put his lunch in there than would might cause the alarm to not work. Leigh also tested his alarm and his alarm worked.

  8. First, Leigh thought and asked how can I catch the lunch thief by making a burglar alarm? Then he did some backround research by going to a hardware store and while he was there a man asked him what he was doing, the man helped him by finding him the things he needs. After he constructed the burglar alarm but it failed. Also he analysed it and changed the project a little. After he changed his idea and it worked. Then he repoted his results to his mom.

  9. In dear mr.henshaw Leigh Botts completes the scientific method.He Ask a question when he ask the man at the store how to make a burgular alarm, he used hypothesis when he tryed to think of what he was going to do,then he tested it. His hypothesis was false so he tryed agin and made it better and it worked.

  10. The steps of the scientific methods thet Leigh Botts has completed are Ask Question, when he asked a question he asked the shop worcker at the gas shop.The next thing he did was Do Background Research, his background research was that he was reading books about batteries and electricity. Next he Tested with an Experiment, he tested it by twisting the wire loop onto it, then he closed the box just enough so he coud get his hand inside and push the wire loop over the button on the switch before he took his hand out and closed the box.Then heopend the box and the alarm worked.

  11. Dear Mr. Henshaw
    In the novel Dear Mr. Henshaw, the character Leigh Botts used the scientific method. Leigh first researched a book about electricity to make a burglar alarm for his lunchbox to find out who steals his lunch or as the lunch thief! Leigh goes to a hardware store to get the materials for his lunch box. When he was finish picking the things he need, he bought the materials and went home. He (Leigh) went to his room and worked on his alarm. It took him a long time to put the cords in the lunch. When he finished it, Leigh tested it out and it worked! Then his mom came in his room and asked what the noise was. Leigh told his mom that it was his alarm for his lunch. And the scientific method Leigh used was research, he asked his mom questions, and he used hypostasis.

  12. The first thing Leigh did is that one day Leigh went to get a beat-up lunchbox.Then Leigh went to the library for books on batteries.Finally he went to the store for a burglar alarm. Then he tore a page and wrote KEEP OUT MOM THAT MEANS YOU!!!!.After that he started fastening the wires and he was working on the switch.Then he taped the battery in the corner of the lunchbox and a doorbell to another.Then he twisted a wire loop onto the lunchbox.Finally he opened the lunchbox and it worked.

  13. First, Leigh asks a question. Then, he does research from the books at the library. Next, Leigh makes a hypothesis and he thinks it will work. Leigh builds the burglar alarm and tests it by ringing the doorbell. Finally, Leigh reported his results to his mom by showing her how the burglar alarm works.

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