
DSC01817Alcatraz! We had a great time on our excursion to Alcatraz Island–it was a long day but well worth our time. We learned so much about the history of the island, saw lots of NATURE and also got a chance to shop on Pier 39.

Alcatraz pic.


Top-2Bunmi’s family story is about their recent trip to Hawaii.  They went snorkeling as well as many other exciting activities! 

Click on the link below to hear about her vacation.






See’s favorite family memory involves camping.  See’s family observed a deer and much more! 

Click on the link below to hear See share some of her thoughts:).



May’s took a trip to the mountains and learned the craft of archery. 

Clink on the link below to hear May’s adventurous experience!




Do you have a favorite family memory that you could share with us?  Your memory could be recent OR from long ago!  It could even include family holidays or traditions that you  especially enjoy!


Share with the class something you learned about weather after reading Weather Forecasting…?  Did you know that our science readers (Delta Publisher) are ALL Accelerated Reading Material?  Yes, you can take an AR test after you read a Delta Reader!


Great idea Bunmi…my favorite animal would have to be a dog.  I just love dogs!  They are very intuitive (meaning they can sense things, for example if you are feeling down, etc.)…and they are always there for you, no matter what!  They also have so much personality! WHAT IS YOU FAVORITE ANIMAL, AND WHY?????


Vue, what a great idea to share what we will do while off track (besides our off track packets of course!).  What will I do?  I have lots of things to catch up on at home!  We will go to South Carolina where one of my very best friends moved last summer.  I really miss her and her family.  I cannot wait to see her new place!  I have only driven through SC so I am excited to see more of it.  Of course, I will get some work done too so when we track back on things run smoothly!  WHAT WILL YOU ALL DO?

We are ‘cutting edge!’

OK class, here we go!  We are going to start blogging!  You can blog from school or home–let’s start talking!  AS WE STUDY THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (and just watched ‘On the Road to Concord’) answer this question: 

If you could go back in time and meet someone during the American Revolution, who would it be?  Why?  Would it be someone famous or perhaps someone your own age who was not famous….what would you ask them?  What might you tell them?  BE SPECIFIC!