Ms. O'Brien's Classroom Blog

…adventures in Fourth grade…

Runnin’ for Rhett


Congratulations to all our Carroll students and parents, and teachers) who participated itn the Run Because You Can 5K race last Sunday! Our school was very well represented. We had 40 of our Youth Fitness participants run plus a few other students who registered and ran with their parents.  Our class was represented by Allie M. who ran with her older brother and her dad. She did an excellent job by running the entire way. That’s 3.1 miles!! Way to go Allie.

Allie and family

Teachers who ran along with me were my fellow coach Mrs. Genera, third grade teacher Mrs. Rutherford, first grade teacher Mr. Quidgen, and fourth grade teacher Mrs. Burgess. Carroll Comet runners rock!!

Mrs. Rutherford


Mr. Quidgen getting ready

Ms. Burgess

    Here is a link to the Sacramento Bee article plus  photos:

All of our Youth Fitness participanst who ran will be recognized at the assembly on November 16th at 9:00 im the MP room.

waiting for the start


by posted under Class News | 11 Comments »    
11 Comments to

“Runnin’ for Rhett”

  1. November 4th, 2012 at 6:38 am      Reply prayer Says:

    where did you guys go for the runnin for rhet like did you guys go to a park or something

    • November 6th, 2012 at 10:35 am      Reply msobrien Says:

      We started in downtown Sacramento at Crocker Park. The race went from there east toward the state capital building, then back around west toward the the Sacarmento River. Then we turned south along the River to Miller Park where we crossed over the freeway and came back north to finish back at Crocker Park. So we really went in a big circle. It was 5 kilometers or a little over 3 miles.

  2. November 7th, 2012 at 7:50 am      Reply prayer Says:

    wow a freeway! allie told me something about a freeway but if its a freeway how did you get through the cars because a freeway has a lot of cars that you can emagine

  3. November 8th, 2012 at 11:38 am      Reply prayer Says:

    oh i geuss you guys had a great time when is the next “runnin for rhet” is it next year and is are next feild trip at the mueseam because my favorate most best feild trips are the mueseam because when we go to the mueseam they teach you about:paintings,american indians ,and all kinds of wonderfull stuff thats another way i like to learn

    • November 9th, 2012 at 8:01 am      Reply msobrien Says:

      The next Runnin for Rhett for kids will be next year. You should do it with us! Our next field trip is to the food center. Later we will be going to the Crocker Art Museum. It’s all about ART!

  4. November 9th, 2012 at 8:42 am      Reply prayer Says:

    yay!because i love art it teaches me about amazing things and when you get to a higher grede like seventh grade do you still have feild trips

    • November 10th, 2012 at 7:35 am      Reply msobrien Says:

      And art lets you use your imagination. I think you still have field trips in higher grades, but not nearly as many as in elementary school.

  5. November 13th, 2012 at 1:55 am      Reply prayer Says:

    oh so then when you are in seventh grade you are not in elementry school or when do you stop going to elementry school?

    • November 14th, 2012 at 12:32 pm      Reply msobrien Says:

      When you are in 7th and 8th grades you are not in elementary shcool, you are in middle school. 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades are “high school”. 4th 5th and 6th grades are intermediate level in elementary shcool only. College is “college” level, or sometimes it’s called “higher education”.

  6. November 23rd, 2012 at 12:57 am      Reply prayer Says:

    ok,but if you graduate from colage do you have to go to another colage and is colage like school is it like when people are in colage do they sleep there|:

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