Classroom Expectations

Classroom management relies heavily on the students taking responsibility for their own behavior. Being responsible involves making choices. I will educate students on the choices available to them for different situations. In our class we will use a daily behavior system utilizing a behavior chart and will follow the H.A.W.K.S expectations. There are 8 levels each representing a different expectation. Level 1 – I am being a role model to others; level 2 – I am being kind and thoughtful; level 3 – I am making good choices; level 4 – I am doing my best to learn; level 5 – I can make better choices; level 6 – I can improve my behavior; level 7: I can talk about my behavior; level 8 – I can accept the consequences for my behavior. All students begin at “I am doing my best to learn” and can either move up the chart or down the chart. If students move down the chart, they have the ability to move back up if they correct their behaviors. If students are meeting expectations and participating in class, students will move up the chart.  Students will also receive “fuzzies” and will be able to redeem rewards for the number of “fuzzies” they have.   Students need to be held accountable for their actions whether they are positive or negative.  I firmly believe that students will be successful if all parties (teacher, families, and students) can communicate and work together.

Classroom Expectations
1. Listen while teacher and classmates are speaking.
2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
3. Be kind and respectful to others.
4. Raise hand and wait for permission before speaking.
5. Be on time and be prepared to learn.

Classroom Consequences
1. Warning
2. Think time/Time out
3. Loss of recess & need to complete a letter to their parents explaining how they can improve their behaviors. This letter is to be brought home and signed by parent
4. Phone call home and/or parent conference
5. Formal discipline referral entered into Synergy which gets directly sent to the principal and the vice-principal and then must be signed by parent

***For continuous or extreme behavior issues, any or all of the following may occur: phone call home, referral in Synergy, sent to the office to see administrators, or suspension.  All efforts will be made in the classroom to resolve the behavior before the above-mentioned consequences occur.