Tymarea's Blog

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Reading is Great


i love reading its great because i see other people doing it and it makes me stay postive and get better at reading i read everyday know i really love reading sometimes me and my mom races and see if who can read the fastes but we where tied and we tried agian because my mom dosnt want me to give up on reading and something you dont like doing  you might not want to do it but when you see other people doing it you want to try and stay postive i use to hate reading because i use to get mad and that was when i was in 3rd grade but then i just start getting use to it and now i can read flutted but sometimes  mess up and sometimes i dont stop at the preoids but i just love reading it makes you feel confident in your safe and it makes you feel good about yourself my mom always told me something you dont no very well dont never give because when you give up you might be good at something you really want to do in life and i didnt give up and now im very good at reading rember never give up because it might not happing practice everydady

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