My Favorite Fruit is……….


My favorite fruit is strawberries. I like it because it can help you fight diesease. It helps fight diesease. The reason why you should eat it because it is healthy for you and delicious. If you suffer from muscle or joint pain get a bowl of strawberries and it will heal you. Strawberries help your muscles and heart. In plus it is a nice dessert and makes you stay skinny. Over 53% seven to nine year olds pick strawberries as there favorite fruit. Strawberries are the first fruit in spring to ripen. One cup of strawberries is only 55 calories. Strawberries are full of vitamin C. On an average there are about 200 seeds in strawberries. Strawberries are the only fruit with seeds outside. Strawberries help prevent cancer from happening. Strawberries help from sunburn. In medieval times strawberries were the sign for peace,prosperity,and perfection. This is what my favorite fruit is. 


1 Comment zu “My Favorite Fruit is……….”

  1. Cassidy (student)
    18.12.13 4:05 am        Reply

    Hi Cathy, I am a student from Minnesota! My favorite fruit is also strawberries. Here is my blog! I hope you comment on my blog


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