

  1.     Smelling is important in my opinion because it helps me in numerous ways. Smelling can help me smell things. Having to smell helps me because I can smell food, scents, and other things. Smelling is also important because it can help you alert something. Smelling can help us alert us if there is danger such as fire, smoke, baby stinky smell, and other scents. In my opinion, smelling is important in many several ways.

  2.      My favorite sense is sight by far. First of all, I play a lot of sports. Being on the hardwood or the big football feild can cause a lot of injuries. If i can not see the ball or the other players i am going agints I could get hit real hard and take a big injury. Secondly, I like going to events. Such as, the superbowl and the NBA finals. And I want to see who gets the game winning shot or touchdown catch. That’s why I would rather have sight than any other sense.

  3.     Eye sight is the most important sense. Eye sight is important because without it, you could get hurt. For example, if you crossed the street without knowing that you were, a car could hit you. Another reason eye sight is important is that if you did not have it you will miss ouy on all the fun and amazing sights. Like your favorite tv show, a ride at Six Flags(Super Man Ultimate Flight), and your friends and family. The most important sense is eye sight.

  4.      My favorite sense is sight by far. First of all, I play a lot of sports. Being on the hardwood or the big football feild can cause a lot of injuries. If i can not see the ball, or the other players i am going agints I could get hit and get injured. Secondly, I like going to events. Such as, the superbowl and the NBA finals. And I want to see who gets the game winning shot or touchdown catch. I would rather have sight than any other sense.

  5.     Having the ability to hear is an important part of your life. This sense is important because it gives you the opportunity to listen to music. Listening to music can be good because it can help you relax. Another thing why hearing is important is because it helps a person communicate. Hearing supports one communicate because it helps them know what is going on. The last thing why hearing is important is that it can alarm someone. Going out for instance, you must need this ability to know what kind of danger is near. Also, hearing can alert you if there is a robber trying to brake in your home. Based off these reasons, hearing is a major part of a person.

  6. What would it be like to not feel anything? If someone could feel, what will you do to help? You could take them to the hospital .Or to the hospital in San Francisco for surgery but some people won’t make it . For an example if my friend were to not feel I should had helped her to the hospital .She might have felt better and then, she could feel hot, cold, soft, and hard . Feeling something is important sense to me.

  7. What would it be like to not feel anything? If someone could feel, what will you do to help? You could take them to the hospital or to the hospital in San Francisco for surgery but some people won’t make it . For an example if my friend were to not feel I should had helped her to the hospital .She might have felt better and then, she could feel hot, cold, soft, and hard . Feeling something is important sense to me.

  8.     Did you know eye sight can be important for many reason’s? The, first thing you can you use eye sight for is driving. The reason why you want to use your eye sight for driving is cause you want to look at stop lights on when you can go or not go. Also, to make sure to look for a stop sign. Another, thing you can use eye sight for is walking. When walking you want to look were you are stepping cause you can fall. Also, look when you are crossing the road. Lastly, since I play a sport i do have to look. If i play goaly then i have to look at were the other team is going to kick the ball. Even if i am not playing goaly i have to still look at were I am going to kick the ball to make a goal.Eye sight can be used for many things.

  9.      Having eye sight is one of the most important senses. To begin with, without eye sight you wouldn’t be able to expierience as much things. Without eye sight you wouldn’t be able to expierience things such as your souroundings. Also, playing sports would be really difficult. Soccer, basketball, and many more sports would be difficult because you need eye sight and if you are not able to see you can get injured real badly. Eye sight is the most significant sense of all.

  10.     Out of all the five senses I think sight is the most important. One reason that I think sight is the most important is because it might affect your education. Not having eye sight could affect your education because if you can’t


  11.     Eye sight is the best sense in the world. First, you can play sports. The sports you can play are Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, and Football because your eyes can see where the ball is. Also, you can view meteor showers. You can view meteor showers because eye sight gives you the ability to to see. Eye sight is the best sense in the world.

  12.     Big Hero 6 is my preferred movie. It is an exiting movie. This movie is exiting because there’s lots of action like the part when they try to catch the guy in the mask. My favorite character was Baymax. Baymax was my favorite character because hes helpful and caring. My prime movie is Big Hero 6.

  13. Eye sight is the best sense you can have.I choose eye sight because its helpful.First eye sight is helpful because if you don’t see where your going you might get hurt. The other reason why I choose eye sight is because you can watch things. For example,when it snows you can see you can see all the snowflakes falling down.Eye sight important to have.

  14. Our eye sight is very important. First, our eye sight help us to do sports. We need eye sight so we can play sports, so someone throw a ball to you, you can catch it. Secondly, you need eye sight to cross the road. If you can’t see and a car is coming at you, you might get hit. Eye sight is very important to us.

  15. Your sense of sight is very important. Your sight is very important because it allows us to sense danger . It allows us to know if a door is open when you know you closed it. It also allows us to know where we are going. It lets us know what streets are good and bad . Sight is the best sense of all 5 senses.

  16. Feeling is important because if you don,t touch any thing like if you can,t get any body there stuff they wanted or if you are making something to eat you will not pick it up and you will not touch any thing If your doing your chores you can,t pick up your laundry or do your bed or any thing you have the whole house will be a mess and every thing will stink if your going some where to a store if need to pick up something you will not get any thing what you what

  17.     Seeing is the best sense. Since i’m an online gamer I chose sight. Sight lets you know what your doing online. Sight shows you were you are, where you want to go and do online. When i’m online I like to play games with my brother and my friends. Sight is used daily. Using my sight I can see the math equation i need to solve. Kids all around the world use sight to play online games that they like. The best sense is sight.

  18. Did you know eye sight can be really important. First, you can use your eye sight for driving. You can use your eye sight for driving because you can see if you need to go or not. You also have to look for the stop sign. Then, you can use eye sight for walking. People need eye sight for they can see where there going. If they don’t you can trip or fall. We need it to be crossing the if we don’t see we can get by a car. Finally, I really like sports. I like to play basket ball so if i don’t see i’m not able to throw the ball in the hoop. If i can see i would be able to throw the ball in the hoop. I sight can be helpful in many things.

  19. My favorite sense is felling. First i need to feel because i am in sports imcomple

  20. Did you know eye sight can be really important. First, you can use your eye sight for driving. You can use your eye sight for driving because you can see if you need to go or not. You also have to look for the stop sign. Then, you can use eye sight for walking. People need eye sight for they can see where there going. If they don’t you can trip or fall. We need it to be crossing the if we don’t see we can get by a car. Finally, I really like sports. I like to play basket ball so if i don’t see i’m not able to throw the ball in the hoop. If i can see i would be able to throw the ball in the hoop. I sight can be helpful in many things.

  21.     Out of all the five senses I think sight is the most important. One reason that I think sight is the most important is because it might affect your education. Not having eye sight could affect your education because if you can’t see then when your suppose to be writing a paragraph if you can’t see then how will be able to


  22.     Did you know eye sight can be really important. First, you can use your eye sight for driving. You can use your eye sight for driving because you can see if you need to go or not. You also have to look for the stop sign. Then, you can use eye sight for walking. People need eye sight for they can see where there going. If they don’t you can trip or fall. We need it to be crossing the if we don’t see we can get by a car. Finally, I really like sports. I like to play basket ball so if i don’t see i’m not able to throw the ball in the hoop. If i can see i would be able to throw the ball in the hoop. I sight can be helpful in many things.

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