

  1. A1:Hi my name is Alan and I would like to be a zoologist.
    A1:I would like to become a zoologist because I really like animals I would like to learn more

  2. Good job on your music choice, it really fits the movie.
    You can look at the camera more often.
    Amazing editing!

  3. The music really goes with your job.
    Maybe next time stop moving so much.
    Great editing though.

  4. A1:Hi my name is Alan and I would like to be a zoologist.
    A1:I would like to become a zoologist because I really like animals I would like to learn more about them and nature.
    A1: The first step in becoming a zoologist is take classes in botany, chemistry, and physics and at least get a bachelor degree, a P.H.D is also needed.
    A1: The next step is to be able to use advanced computer software because many zoologist use computers to do their work.
    A1: Step three is that you have observation, writing, speaking, and problem-solving skills. With observation skills zoologist are supposed to notice small changes with an animals behavior or appearances. With writing and speaking skills they will have to know how to explain their theories, and with problem-solving skills they will have to know how to solve problem invoking wildlife

  5. I love the music playing with your job choice Alan! Clever! Your details for why you want to be a Zoologist show you did your research! Good work!

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