The Marble Champ’s Lupe! Second Blog Entry…

We are continuing to practice paragraph writing with a topic sentence, detail sentences, and a concluding sentence.



  1. In the selection,”The Marble Champ”, Lupe is bad at sports, she gets better by doing some things. The first thing she does to get better is doing push-ups on her fingertips. Secondly, she squeezed an eraser 100 times and took advice from her brother. Thirdly, she practiced for 2hours the next day, and when she ate dinner she used her left hand instead of her right because she was saving it. Lupe got better.

  2. In the selection,”The Marble Champ” Lupe had to do this to be good at marbles. Now this is what she did. The first thing she did was squeeze an eraser for a hundred times. Then she did 20 push ups 5 a set. The next day she squeezed an eraser for an hour and practiced for 3 hours straight. So Lupe had to do this to get good at marbles.

  3. Grace
    In the selection the, “Marble Champ” Lupe wasn’t good at sports. Lupe also wasn’t good at marbles. Lupe got better at marbles by doing 20push ups with her thump. Lupe also squeezed a rubber earaser for one hundred time’s. Lupe wanted to be the marble champ. Lupe’s new buddy is counting on Lupe. Lupe is the marble champ.

  4. In the selection Marble Champ Lupe was a bad sport but now she is not and ill tell you how. Lupe was laying on her bed thinking all the sports she couldn’t do. Then she thought marbles. She roamed through her closet and found marbles. When she tries to shoot marbles her thumb is weaker than a new born chick’s neck. Then Lupe practiced so she can get stronger at shooting marbles. She practiced by doing push-ups on her finger tips and squeezes an eraser 100 times. Then she entered a marble champion ship. She beat her first opponent easily.Her name is Racheal Lupe felt sorry for Racheal because no one was there to cheer for her so Lupe invited her to the crowd. IMCOMPLETE

  5. In the selection “The Marble Champ” Lupe wants to good at sports. Lupe wants to be good at sports badly. First of all, Lupe does push-ups to strengthen her her wrist. Then, Lupe squeezed an eraser for a while. Finally, she practices for multiple


  6. In this selection, Marble champ, Lupe does not know how to play sports then she went in to the closet and got some marbles that was her brothers.Lupe picked 5 beautiful marbles. Lupe tried to flick the marble and hit another one but it went to slow. Lupe practice but she was still week. So she did push up on her thumb and sqeeze a eraser for one hundred times. Lupe brother gave her tips. Then when she got stonger she enter the marble championship. After she won 3 people she won the marbles championship.

  7. In the selection “The Marble Champ” Lupe wants to good at sports. Lupe wants to be good at sports badly. First of all, Lupe does push-ups to strengthen her her wrist. Then, Lupe squeezed an eraser for a while. Finally, she practices for multiple hours She desires to be better at sports.

  8. In the selection Marble Champ Lupe was a bad sport but now she is not and ill tell you how. Lupe was laying on her bed thinking all the sports she couldn’t do. Then she thought marbles. She roamed through her closet and found marbles. When she tries to shoot marbles her thumb is weaker than a new born chick’s neck. Then Lupe practiced so she can get stronger at shooting marbles. She practiced by doing push-ups on her finger tips and squeezes an eraser 100 times. Then she entered a marble champion ship. She beat her first opponent easily.Her name is Racheal Lupe felt sorry for Racheal because no one was there to cheer for her so Lupe invited her to the crowd. With more wins and , Lupe was covered with people. Lupe is on the last match with miss baseball cap girl. First, miss baseball cap girl got the leadIn the selection Marble Champ Lupe was a bad sport but now she is not and ill tell you how. Lupe was laying on her bed thinking all the sports she couldn’t do. Then she thought marbles. She roamed through her closet and found marbles. When she tries to shoot marbles her thumb is weaker than a new born chick’s neck. Then Lupe practiced so she can get stronger at shooting marbles. She practiced by doing push-ups on her finger tips and squeezes an eraser 100 times. Then she entered a marble champion ship. She beat her first opponent easily.Her name is Racheal Lupe felt sorry for Racheal because no one was there to cheer for her so Lupe invited her to the crowd, with more wins she was covered with people. Lupe is on the last match. First, miss baseball cap girl got the lead. Then Lupe got the lead, then it was a tie, and…………….. Lupe won! Everyone burst in to cheers. Everyone cheered except for miss baseball cap, she made face and stared at the ground. Lupe and her family went to celebrate by eating pizza.

  9. In the selection “The Marble Champ” Lupe has a problem.The problem is that she isn’t good at sports.She wants to be good at marbles and marbles is a sport so she isn’t good at it.To get better at it she dose the following things.First,she dose 25 push-ups on her finger-tips but dose 5 at a time.Second,her brother gives her tips on how to shoot:get low aim,with one eye and,then shoot!Third,after school she left her homework in her back-pack and practiced for 3 hours.Forth,she squeezed an eraser 100 times on her thumb.This is how she practiced to be good at mrbles.

  10. In the selection the marble champ
    lupe is not good at sports she onliy got trophies for spelling
    and readind. Lupe said thats it all be good nat playing marbles
    then she got out her brothers marbles and she picked out the most
    pettyest marbles and she started to play but the bedspread was slowing her down. And then she smoothed out the spread and started playing. But then she relized that her ame was weaker than a baby chicks neck. then she got out her eraser an sqeeded the eraser for an hour the next day when lupes mom asked why her why her thumb was swollen she said im playing marbles.thank you the 3nd:)

  11. In the selection ‘”The Marble Champ”, Lupe Medrano is a shy girl that instead of speaken loud she whispers.She is the spelling bee champion .Winner of reading contest.Top student at her piano recital and plaground champion in chess she is a straight A student but she wants to be a athletic she want to win a trophie in sports.All the other girls could beat her in running she begged her body to move faster lupe said”I’ll never be good at sports”.Lupe said maybe if I could play marbels. She got of her bed and went to her closet and found a can full of marbels.She poured them of her bed

  12. In the selection the marble champ
    lupe is not good at sports she onliy got trophies for spelling
    and reading. Lupe said thats it all be good nat playing marbles
    then she got out her brothers marbles and she picked out the most
    pettyest marbles and she started to play but the bedspread was slowing her down. And then she smoothed out the spread and started playing. But then she relized that her ame was weaker than a baby chicks neck. then she got out her eraser an sqeeded the eraser for an hour the next day when lupes mom asked why her why her thumb was swollen she said im playing marbles.thank you the 3nd:)

  13. Lupe was not good at sports. so she she said marbles. so what she did was that she sqeeze a eraser for a hour. then she did push ups. finally she did not eat with her thum so it could be strong.

  14. In the selection ‘”The Marble Champ”, Lupe Medrano is a shy girl that instead of speaken loud she whispers.She is the spelling bee champion .Winner of reading contest.Top student at her piano recital and plaground champion in chess she is a straight A student but she wants to be a athletic she want to win a trophie in sports.All the other girls could beat her in running she begged her body to move faster lupe said”I’ll never be good at sports”.Lupe said maybe if I could play marbels. She got of her bed and went to her closet and found a can full of marbels.She poured them of her bed and picked 5 of the most beautiful marbles.Lupe’s thumb was weaker than a newborn chick.Lupe notice she was bad at marbels .Lupe decided to do exzersize .So she decide to do twenty pushups on her finger tip .She squezzed a eraser for a hour .At the end Lupe became the Marbel Champ just becuase she practiced.

  15.      In the story Marble Champ , Lupe is not good at playing sports . She tries to play marbles but she was not good at it either but she wouldn’t give up she kept on practicing .She wanted to enter a marble championship. She practiced for 3 hours straight, she squeezed an eraser 100 times , and she did pushups on her fingertips . Her brother gave her some tips on how to play. After, he gave her some tips she played marbles with him and she beat him. After she beat her brother she played a kid from her neighborhood named Alfonso and she beat him. That night after dinner her mother asked what happened to her thumb and Lupe said it was muscle. The next day was the championship her dad diddn’t want her to get tired by walking so he drove her. It was time to start the championship , she played her first opponet and she beat her the girl said that her name was Rachel. Lupe felt bad that Rachel had nobody to cheer for her so she invited her to watch her play her other opponet . She played her other opponet and she beat her and she asked her to watch her play her last opponet. Lupe was ready to play her next and last opponet and she beat her . Lupe called her miss baseball cap . miss baseball cap was upset .


  16. In the selection Marble champ Lupe is good at sports . She got better at sports by playing marble and by practice and strengthen her thumb by squeezed a rubber eraser one hundred times. She did pushup with her thumb five times day and got tips from her brother. He say get low,aim with one eye, and let it rip. The next day Lupe got back up and practice some squeezed a eraser for a hour . She also


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