

  1.     First, air travels into the nose. Secondly, when air goes through yournose, your nose has nose hair that warms, filters the air, and cleans the dust and dirt that goes in with the air. At the same time air can also go in your mouth but it doesn’t warm, filters the air, or clean the dust and dirt. Then, the air enters the Trachea, known as the windpipe. Later, air sputs the Bronchi, it’s quite similiar to the branches of a tree. Next, the air goes into the Lungs. Lastly, the branches of the Bronchi have the ability to empty the air in the Alveoli. Next, the walls of the Alveoli is so thin, Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide ccan pass through them by a process called Diffusion. Finally, the air leaves the Lungs and goes through the Trachea then it will exit through your mouth or nose.

  2. For the respiritory system air could go in the nose and the mouth. But if air goes in the mouth it dosnt warm the air or filters the air. If it goes in through the nose it filters and warms the air. Then from there

  3. Air first goes through your nose . Your nose filters dust and dirt . Your nose also warms the air that you breath . You can also breath through your mouth but breathing through nose is better . Now the air is going down the trachea it splits through bronchi and into the lungs incomplete.

  4. THE respiratory system is made up of a series of tubes and passeges THAT transport the air you breathe. I inhale air and oxygen and my lungs are full of air. when I exhale the air comes out. INCOMPLETE

  5. Air first goes through your nose . Your nose filters dust and dirt . You can also breath through mouth but breathing through your incomplete

  6. This is how air flows through your body. First, air can travel throw your mouth or noes i will profer the noes. The reason why I profer the noes because you have nose hair in your nose where it warms your nose, and it comes in clean if it goes through your mouth it comes in cold and it doesn’t get filters. Next, after that it goes down your treachea or windpipe . Then, it enters the lungs. Also, the branches in the bronci has the ability to emty out the air in your aveolie. Another fact, is that the walls in the aveolie is so thin that oxygen and carbon dioxide passes through a process that is called duffusion and exange carbon dioxide for oxygen and oxygen for carbon dioxide . After the exchange it leaves your lungs and goes to your treache and the air leaves and the process starts all over again. This is all the imformation about the air goes throudh your body.

    Destiny, watch your spelling of nose, bronchi, treachea, alveoli. You have the process down but the misspelling can be distracting. – Mr. A. I appreciate the work you are putting in over the weekend.

  7. This is how air flows through your body. First, air can travel throw your mouth or nose i will profer the nose. The reason why I profer the nose because you have nose hair in your nose where it warms your nose, and it comes in clean if it goes through your mouth it comes in cold and it doesn’t get filters. Next, after that it goes down your treachea or windpipe . Then, it enters the lungs. Also, the branches in the bronchi has the ability to emty out the air in your avioli. Another fact, is that the walls in the avioli is so thin that oxygen and carbon dioxide passes through a process that is called duffusion and exange carbon dioxide for oxygen and oxygen for carbon dioxide . After the exchange it leaves your lungs and goes to your treachea and the air leaves and the process starts all over again. This is all the imformation about the air goes throuh your body.

  8. Air first goes through your nose . Your nose filters dust and dirt . Your nose also warms the air that you breath . You can also breath through your mouth but breathing through nose is better . Now the air is going down the trachea it splits through bronchi and into the lungs . The branches empty out in the alveoli . In the alveoli carbon dioxide exchanges with oxygen from diffusion . The air now leaves the lungs . Finally the air leaves the trachea and goes out of your body . Then it happens all over again .

  9. First air goes through your mouth or your nose. If air goes through your nose it filters the air and warms the air. If air goes through your mouth it doesnt do either of those, it actually comes in your mouth dirty. Then air enters the trachea. The nickname for trachea is called wind pipe. The air splits through the bronchi. Air now goes to the lungs (the lungs are NOT a muscle). The bronchi lets out air into the alveoli Inside the alveoli carbon dioxide is traded for oxygen through diffusion. Next air leaves though your mouth or nose. The oxygen goes to the blood and your blood is being oxygenated. Then the respiratory system happens over again. That is how respiratory system works.

  10. The air can go through your nose and mouth. the nose can warm and filter the air but the mouth can’t. After, the the air warms and filters the nose it goes into the trachea then leads to the bronchi. Next, air goes to this flat muscle called diaphragm. It tells the lungs to blow up then go down the diaphragm.


  11. Air enters your nose or your mouth. The nose warms and filters the air. The mouth does not do that. It goes down the Trachea. After the Trachea it enters the lungs and to yhe Bronchi. The lungs are not a muscle. The Bronchi is a fat muscle. The Bronchi gets smaller and becomes little ovals. As the Bronchi becomes smaller and smaller it becomes an Alveoli. In the lungs there is an exgange. Oxygen exganges for carbion dioxide. The carbion dioxide goes out your mouth and the oxygen goes to your blood. The air goes through the Trachea and out your nose and mouth and starts all over.

  12. The air goes in your mouth or your air goes down your TRACEA. Your nose warms and filters your body. When you breath your lungs deflate. under your lungs there is a flat muscle called a diaphragm. In your lungs


    • The purpose of the respiratory system is to help you get air in the trachea and into you body to help you get air in your body.Your nose warms and filters your body. When you breath your lungs deflate. under your lungs there is a flat muscle called a diaphragm. In your lungs there is something called bronchi there are things that are called alveoli and the capillaries. There are things that are being traded it is oxegen and co2. When they trade the air cares blood and the blood cares air. After that the same prosses keeps on reapeating.

  13. First the air goes through the nose or mouth. The nose hairs warms and filters the air and nose warms the air. when it enters the mouth it doesnt warm the air. The air enters the windpipe the air separates through the bronchi like branches on a tree and air enters the lungs. The bronchi gives the air to the avioli in the avioli oxygen is exchanged for C02 through diffusion. Then c02 leaves through your mouth and nose. The oxygen goes out to the red stuff called blood. Then your blood is getting oxygenated . Then your Respiratory process starts all over again.

    Make sure to capitalize your name Antone.

  14. The summary about the respiratory. First you can breath through your nose or your mouth. The nose has hair that filters dust and dirt
    Then the nose warms the air. Next air enters the trachea or the nick
    name is windpipe. After that it sprouts through the bronchi. Next the air now enter the lungs. then the branches empty out into the alveoli.
    Lastly in the alveoli carbon dioxide switches for oxygen through diffusion.

  15. Air has two passages to enter it goes into the nose or mouth. The nose can filter the air but the mouth can not.After air enteres the nose it goes into the bronchior the windpipe.Next in the lung there is a musle called the diaphargm it tells the lung when to blow upor go down.It is a flat musle under the luges .Also as the bronchi gets smaller it openes into alveoli. Inside the alveoli there are capulares. There is a exchanges in the lungs they exchange co2 for oxygen. As soon as the exchange happens the co2 goes out throught your nose or mouth .The oxygen goes into the blood

  16. Air has two passages to enter it goes into the nose or mouth. The nose can filter the air but the mouth can not.After air enteres the nose it goes into the bronchior the windpipe.Next in the lung there is a musle called the diaphargm it tells the lung when to blow upor go down.It is a flat musle under the luges .Also as the bronchi gets smaller it openes into alveoli. Inside the alveoli there are capulares. There is a exchanges in the lungs they exchange co2 for oxygen. As soon as the exchange happens the co2 goes out throught your nose or mouth .The oxygen goes into the blood. That is how air enters your body.

  17. The air can go through your nose and mouth. The nose can warm and filter the air but the mouth can’t. After, the air warms and filters the nose, it goes into the trachea then leads to the bronchi. Next, air goes to this flat muscle called the diaphram it tells the lugs when to blow up then go down the diaphram. As the bronchi gets smaller it opens to the alveoli. Inside the alveoli there are capillaries, there is also an exchange in the lungs with oxygen and CO2. Then the oxygen goes to the blood, and the CO2 goes to the mouth and nose. Then the whole process begins again. Those are the two passages air could go through.

  18. The air goes in your mouth or your air goes down your tracea.Your nose warms and filters your body. When you breath your lungs deflate. under your lungs there is a flat muscle called a diaphragm. In your lungs there is something called bronchi there are things that are called alveoli and the capillaries. There are things that are being traded it is oxegen and co2. When they trade the air cares blood and the blood cares air. After that the same prosses keeps on reapeating.

  19. This explains, how respiratory works in your body. The nose can warm and filter the air but the mouth can’t. After, the the air warms and filters the nose it goes into the trachea then leads to the bronchi. Next, air goes to this flat muscle called diaphragm. It tells the lungs to blow up then go down the diaphragm. As the bronchi gets smaller it opens into the alveoli. Inside the alveoi there are cappillaries, there is also is an exchange in the lungs with oxygen CO2. Then, the oxygen goes to the blood, and nose. then the whole process begins again. In conclusion, this is how respiratory works in your body.

  20. This is oxygen goes through are bodys. The nose has hair that filters dust and dirt
    Then the nose warms the air. Next air enters the trachea or the nick
    name is windpipe. After that it sprouts through the bronchi. Next the air now enter the lungs. then the branches empty out into the alveoli.
    Lastly in the alveoli carbon dioxide switches for oxygen through diffusion.And that how oxygen goes through are bodys.

  21. This is the path of how air enters your body.Air has two passages to enter it goes into the nose or mouth. The nose can filter the air but the mouth can not.After air enteres the nose it goes into the bronchior the windpipe.Next in the lung there is a musle called the diaphargm it tells the lung when to blow upor go down.It is a flat musle under the luges .Also as the bronchi gets smaller it openes into alveoli. Inside the alveoli there are capulares. There is a exchanges in the lungs they exchange co2 for oxygen. As soon as the exchange happens the co2 goes out throught your nose or mouth .The oxygen goes into the blood. That is how air enters your body.

  22. First, air travels into the nose. Secondly, when air goes through your nose, your nose has nose hair that warms, filters the air, and cleans the dust and dirt that goes in with the air. At the same time air can also go in your mouth but it doesn’t warm, filters the air, or clean the dust and dirt. Then, the air enters the Trachea, known as the windpipe. Later, air sputs the Bronchi, it’s quite similiar to the branches of a tree. Next, the air goes into the Lungs. Lastly, the branches of the Bronchi have the ability to empty the air in the Alveoli. Next, the walls of the Alveoli is so thin, Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide ccan pass through them by a process called Diffusion. Finally, the air leaves the Lungs and goes through the Trachea then it will exit through your mouth or nose.

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