The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater


raven boys

Blue Sargent, the only non-clairvoyant in a family of clairvoyants, sits in the isolated and abandoned churchyard with her Aunt Neeve on St. Mark’s Eve where her aunt watches the soon-t0-be dead walk by.  Then she sees a boy!  Blue Sargent, non-clairvoyant, sees a soon-to-be dead boy!  “Get his name,” Neeve commands.  Blue asks the boy his name.  “Gansy.” Why could Blue see him?  “There are only two reasons a non-seer would see a spirit on St. Mark’s Eve, Blue. Either you’re his true love,” Neeve said, “or you killed him.”  Gansy and Blue meet.  Blue finds herself drawn to Gansy.  Gansy attends Aglionby, a local private school in Henreitta. He’s a Raven boy.  Gansy and his friends, Ronan, Adam and Noah, are on a quest.  Blue is caught up in their quest all the while knowing that within the year Gansy will be dead.

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

scorpio races

Every November on the beaches of the town Thisby, crowds come to view the Scorpio Races.  Riders attempt to ride the wild and dangerous capaill uisce (water horses) for the fame and profit.  This year Puck Connelly is determined to ride her beloved horse Dove against the blood-thirsty capaill uisce and win.  Winning will mean her brother, Gabe, can stay on the island along with her and her younger brother, Finn, and they can remain a family. The capaill uisce drowned both her parents leaving Puck and her brothers to fend for themselves.  If she enters, if she is allowed; it will be the first time a female has entered the races.  It will also pit her against Sean Kendrick, the returning champion, who works for the Malvern stables. At ten, Sean witnessed a gray uisce horse kill his father while training for the Scorpio Races.  Every year at the Scorpio Races, some riders finish, some riders die and there is only one winner.